'Remember ..... Always share your nifty new kite with your wife, husband, friend & never forget to share it with those wonderful little kids that stand on the sideline with sad little eyes & longing looks because they have no nifty, new Rokkaku kite like you do :-)'

I have very few kites made by well known kite makers - still I have some.

I like to make my kites: I cut out the patterns, hot cut the pieces of Tyvek, sometimes of spinnaker nylon; I fold sheets of (A4) paper, glue or sew them; I often use round bamboo sticks, out of blinds, for spars, but sometimes I use hard wood spars or bamboo for larger kites; and, yes, of course, I use sometimes carbon and glass fibre spars.

But as I often organise workshops I should keep expenses as low as I can. That's why I use things like paper, bamboo and Tyvek, and last but not least a lot of shopping bags.

Though Tyvek is not so cheap, still it is, I daresay, an outstanding material (a product of DuPont), to make a kite and paint it

I go to worshops with pre-cut sails, so that the children can complete their kites as soon as possible.

The following list of workshops is of no interest for anybody outside of Budapest, Hungary and the surroundings, but there are a few pictures, and you may want to have a look at them.
  • 4 graders at one of my former schools; 
  • September 2002, on retreat with the pupils of our school at Püspökszentlászló (Mecsek), Hungary;Mustármag
  • At Tokodaltáró;
  • At the Old-Buda Shipyard Island Óbudai szigeten (where the SZIGET FESTIVAL is held every August);
  • Hunedoara County (Hunyad megye), Romania, some of the children of the Deva St. Francis Foundation enjoyed our workshop;
  • At the Óbuda Methodist community working with children and their parents;
Met Met Met
  • At ÓMK - again - (entrence to the workshop) at the Good bye party at the end the long summer break;
  • The village of Telki: workshop organized by Borostyánút Telki
  • After having their lunch some kids of the Fodros utcai school built sled kites ounder my guidance on a mid November afternoon:
    fodros  fodros  fodros  fodros  fodros  fodros

Last modified: 25 Nov., 2007